My experience after three years of using the Logitech G Pro headphones for gaming, music, and programming.

El Nomade Geek
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


The Logitech G Pro headphones are known for their audio quality and comfort during long gaming sessions, but how do they perform in other uses such as listening to music and programming? In this blog post, I want to share my experience after using the Logitech G Pro headphones for three consecutive years for different activities, and how they have withstood the test of time.

Design and Comfort:

From the first day I bought the Logitech G Pro headphones, I fell in love with their minimalist and sleek design. Additionally, the comfort of the soft ear pads and adjustable headband is impressive. During long gaming sessions, I have never experienced any discomfort in my ears or head, and I can wear them for hours without feeling fatigued.


In terms of gaming, the Logitech G Pro headphones are impressive. The audio quality is excellent, with deep bass and clear highs that make the gaming experience even more immersive. Additionally, the noise-cancelling microphone makes communication with other players clear and seamless. After three years of intensive use, I can attest that the audio quality has remained consistent and there has been no loss of quality.

Listening to Music:

In addition to being great for gaming, the Logitech G Pro headphones are also ideal for listening to music. The audio quality is impressive, with powerful bass response and crisp highs that make the music sound vibrant and detailed. I love listening to music while working on my computer and these headphones have been my perfect companion for three years. The comfort of the ear pads also helps to enjoy music for long hours without experiencing ear fatigue.


For my programming work, the Logitech G Pro headphones are an excellent choice. The comfort during long hours of work is impressive and the audio quality is good enough to clearly hear the sounds from my computer without being distracting. Additionally, the noise-cancelling capability helps to block out distractions in noisy environments, allowing for greater concentration on the task at hand.


After three years of intensive use for different activities, the Logitech G Pro headphones have proven to be an excellent investment. The audio quality has remained consistent and the comfort has been long-lasting during long hours of gaming, listening to music, and programming. Additionally, the noise-cancelling capability is a valuable feature that benefits anyone working in a noisy environment. In summary, the Logitech G Pro headphones are a worthwhile investment for anyone looking for durable and high-quality headphones for different uses.



El Nomade Geek

Actualmente trabajando como programador y por las noches , escribo sobre tecnología, criptomonedas y critico la política.